
Yoga guide for beginners: How to start with yoga?

You may have been thinking for some time that you would like to start yoga. First of all, the fact that you want to start must be a decision that comes purely from you, regardless of anyone around you. Simply start because you want to and everything else will gradually fall into place. So if you have taken the first steps in your head, that is the beginning of the success of your yoga journey.

What to take with you?

All you need for yoga is comfortable clothes and a mat.

Where and with whom to start?

In the beginning, it is better to spend some time attending classes under the guidance of an experienced teacher who will advise you on how to practice properly without causing yourself injury. Each person is different and each person will suit a different style and a different teacher. If you don't find a class that is quite your cup of tea at the first time, keep looking and discover what works for you. The range of yoga studios is diverse and so are the classes and yoga styles.


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Yoga Myth Busting: Why Yoga Actually IS for YOU!

I'm sure you've heard it before. "Oh, yoga is slow and boring"... "you have to be flexible"... "yoga is all about doing difficult poses". Let's bust the most popular myths together.

Yoga is playful, it's fun, it can make you sweat but also calm you down. You're doing something good for your mental and physical health and your body will thank you for your practice. Read on and see that yoga is just great and actually is for you!


1) Yoga is slow and boring

Among the yoga styles we can definitely find slow and gentle lessons. But there is also a huge variety of more dynamic and physically demanding styles to choose from, such as Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga and Vinyasa. These types are especially appreciated by those who already have pre-existing physical practices and can be a great compliment. Many active styles are suitable for all levels including beginners as well. Try to find an experienced teacher who can support you with variations and modifications that are right...

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The Hindu Roots of Yoga

The Hindu Roots of Yoga 

Within Hinduism there are six major schools of thought: Samkhya, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa, Vendanta, and Yoga. Each one is inspired by the holy Vedas and other Hindu concepts.

Yoga, from the Sanskrit word 'yuj' means to unite. It is usually described in Hindu texts as a way to control the senses and the mind. The most famous Hindu text describing yoga is the Bhavad Ghita, which dates all the way back to the 6th - 3rd centuries BCE. In it, Krishna describes 4 types of yoga:

  • Bakti, or devotion
  • Jnana, or knowledge
  • Karma, or action,
  • Dhyana, or concentration.

Achieving Moksha 

The ultimate goal of each is to achieve Moksha, or unity with God and escape from the cycle of birth and death. No single person is born saved, though the Divine resides within all people. All people, regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, have the ability to achieve Moksha. Moksha can be attainted through a person's actions, words, and thoughts, as they...

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5 Benefits of Ama Ser's Co-Working Space

Ama Ser offers many unique benefits to the local community. One of its most beneficial uses is a space for co-working. Co-working is an arrangement that invites individuals from any organization to share a common working space. This may include independent contractors, work-from-home professionals, digital nomads, or anyone looking for a relaxing space to get their work done.   

The Ama Ser Cafe co-working space has a lot to offer. Here are just 5 of the many benefits of joining us in our space:

1. FREE fiber optic high speed internet

2. Elevated view of the rainforest and Caribbean Sea

3. Fresh vegan food and drinks directly from the Costa Rican land

4. Individual and group tables, rocking chairs, and a comfy lounge with a plethora of pillows

5. A community-centric atmosphere

The world has spent the past year in lockdown. The lack of socialization and human contact has taken a toll on many of us. Come reconnect with your community at the...

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