
Yoga guide for beginners: How to start with yoga?

You may have been thinking for some time that you would like to start yoga. First of all, the fact that you want to start must be a decision that comes purely from you, regardless of anyone around you. Simply start because you want to and everything else will gradually fall into place. So if you have taken the first steps in your head, that is the beginning of the success of your yoga journey.

What to take with you?

All you need for yoga is comfortable clothes and a mat.

Where and with whom to start?

In the beginning, it is better to spend some time attending classes under the guidance of an experienced teacher who will advise you on how to practice properly without causing yourself injury. Each person is different and each person will suit a different style and a different teacher. If you don't find a class that is quite your cup of tea at the first time, keep looking and discover what works for you. The range of yoga studios is diverse and so are the classes and yoga styles.


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Advice For Yoga Beginners

challenges self-love yoga beginner | Posted Apr 08, 2022

It came to the west and caught like a cold. There's something about yoga that arouses people's curiosity. It might be the spiritual aspect or the promise of a challenging workout; perhaps it's the touted health benefits that have people landing on the mat and twisting themselves into funny poses. Whatever lights that fire, curiosity is quickly extinguished by doubt.

Yoga beginners commonly feel like outsiders looking in or imposters imposing on other people's space. That's classic monkey mind behavior. Give that monkey a banana and tell it to chill because we've got you covered. 

Don't Compare Yourself to Others

If there's a universal hindrance to progress in any field, it's measuring yourself against the abilities of others. All that energy you waste being jealous or thinking of how long the road ahead is will be better spent making this moment the best it can be. 

When the mind starts straying into feelings of doubt, it hands the reins over to uncontrollable forces of...

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