
5 Things You Need to Know Before You Arrive in Costa Rica

1. How to surrender to the flow of things 

The town of Puerto Viejo, the home of AmaSer, is located on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica near Panama. Here in Costa Rica, things flow a bit more loosely than you may be accustomed to. Picture it like a bottle of honey: in warmer climates, things flow a bit more freely! Plans often rely on the presence of sunshine, and as Costa Rica is a tropical country, the rainfall comes down quickly and heavily on the turn of a dime. It usually doesn't last long, but you may find yourself needing to take shelter in a cafe, restaurant, or store for some time which may change your outdoor plans for the day. Costa Rica wouldn't be nearly as lush and gorgeous without the rain nourishing all of the greenery, so try to be patient and accepting when those moments do arrive. 

2. How to say some basic sentences in Spanish

Most areas of Costa Rica have an amazing mix of people from all over the world, including other parts of...

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