Medicinal herbs in Costa Rica
From the Gardens at AmaSER: Gotu Kola
The Ethics Of Yoga – Santosha (Contentment)
From the Kitchen of AmaSER: Ashwagandha Powder
Mudras: Just gestures or "something more"?
The Ethics Of Yoga - Ahimsa (Non-Violence)
Breathing in Yoga
Five Core Benefits of Vinyasa Yoga
Golden Milk Recipe/Benefits & Variations for Each Dosha
Yoga & Astrology
The Hindu Roots of Yoga
5 Benefits of AmaSER's Co-Working Space
The Chakras : Definition, localisation and function
Breath: the foundation of yoga and life!
5 things I learnt in my first ever yoga class at AmaSER
Practicing Mindfulness | Living Through the Four Agreements
Energy Boost: Balancing the Ida & Pingala Nadis
Etiquette Schmetiquette: Student Edition
To Yin or to Yang? Uncovering the Benefits of Yin Yoga
The Vagus Nerve: The Body’s Natural Muscle Relaxer