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Mudras: Just gestures or "something more"?

The purpose of these hand gestures can vary according to tradition - from the concentration of subtle energy and the transmission of learning through symbols through a tool for the treatment of diseases to even the attribution of practical skills and psychic abilities!  In principle, however, mudras are a form of non-verbal communication - "an external expression of inner determination.

"Mudras open the universe." Sadhguru

In yoga and meditation, we often use mudras along with pranayama (yoga breathing exercises), usually in a crossed sitting position, such as sukhasana, virasana, or padmasana.  Mudras are also incorporated into the physical practice of yoga asanas. Performing mudras stimulates the flow of prana (life force or energy) throughout the body, calms the mind by focusing it on the mere touch of our hands or fingers, and intensifies the power of our practice.

The meaning behind the word 

The word mudra literally means "seal".  It is a given position of the hands.  Mudras are the subtle science of a certain arrangement of the body.  The way we can influence the functions of our system - just by changing the position of the palm.  Mudras are a science in themselves, representing the geometry and perimeters of the body.  By holding a certain mudra, the energies tend to move in a certain way.  Thanks to this, we can direct energy to any cell in the body, if we want.  We "control" our mind and the flow of prana in the body. Hands are the tool of everything, they are the control panel for everything.


This system can offer tremendous possibilities.  If we do the right things with him, we can work miracles with life.  It requires a lot of research, practice and devotion to sadhana. There are hundreds of mudras, some for health, others for well-being, others for creating certain kinds of processes.  There are different mudras for different aspects of life.

According to Ayurveda - considered the oldest holistic healing system in the world and often described as the "sister science" of yoga - the disease is the result of an imbalance in our body caused by a lack or excess of one of five key elements: sky, wind, fire, water and earth.  Each of them is said to play a specific role in the body and is represented by one of five fingers:

Thumb - fire

Forefinger - wind

Middle finger - sky

Ring - earth

Little finger - water

The fingers essentially act as electrical circuits, and the use of mudra regulates the flow of energy, which balances these various elements and allows healing.

Mudras are a non-verbal way of communication and self-expression, which consists of hand gestures and finger positions.  They are finger-based symbols that represent certain places in the body, preserve the effectiveness of the spoken word, and are used to evoke thoughts symbolizing divine powers or the deities themselves.  The composition of the mudra is based on certain finger movements;  in other words, they represent a highly stylized form of gestural communication.  It is an outward expression of "inner determination," which suggests that nonverbal communication is stronger than the spoken word.

Many such hand positions have been used in Buddhist sculpture and painting in India, Tibet, China, Korea and Japan.  In a simple way, they indicate to believers the nature and function of the deities represented.  Thus mudras are gestures that symbolize divine manifestation.  They are also used by monks in their spiritual exercises of ritual meditation and concentration, and are believed to create forces that evoke deity.

However, mudra is used not only to illustrate and emphasize the meaning of esoteric ritual.  It also gives meaning to sculptural images, dance movement or meditative poses by amplifying their potential.  In its highest form, it is the magical art of symbolic gestures by which invisible forces can act on the earthly sphere.  It is believed that the very sequence of such ritual hand positions could ultimately contribute to the development of Indian classical dance.

Another interesting meaning is the idea of ​​mudra.  Reveals the secret of five fingers.  In such an interpretation, each of the fingers, beginning with the thumb, is identified with one of the five elements, namely sky, wind, fire, water, and earth.  Their mutual contact symbolizes the synthesis of these elements, which is important because it is said that each form in this universe is composed of a unique combination of these elements.  The contact between the various elements creates favorable conditions for the presence of the deity in ceremonies performed for the purpose of a certain purpose.  This means that the mudras will cause the deity to be close to the believer.

3 Basic Mudras:

Jnana (jjana, gyana) mudra - mudra of wisdom

Attach the tip of your index finger to the tip of your thumb and gently pull the other three fingers away.  When sitting, rest your back on your thighs with your palms facing up.  In this mudra, the thumbs represent universal consciousness - something "higher" or greater than we are.  The index fingers represent individual consciousness - our minds and thoughts that create our own reality.  By connecting the thumbs and forefingers with the palm facing upwards in a gesture of receptivity, we connect these two elements - Me and the universe.  The circle we create with the index finger and thumb also creates a "seal" or "pranic circumference" so that energy flows back into the body instead of "leaking" from the fingertips.

Chin (chin) mudra - a gesture of consciousness

The act of mudra is used during meditation.  The thumbs and forefingers touch lightly as above, but this time the palms point down to the knees or thighs.  The act of mudra is often confused with jnana mudra because they look similar, but the direction of the palms down means a different meaning. This more introspective gesture is said to have a grounding effect that encourages our attention and focus to move inward.

Anjali (anjali) mudra - a gesture of address

Anjali (derived from anj in the sense of "honor" or "celebrate") means "divine sacrifice" or "gesture of respect" in Sanskrit and is often used in conjunction with the pronunciation of the word "namasté" at the end of a yoga class. Anjali mudra is also used during the physical part of yoga practice (asana practice). Join your palms and place your thumbs lightly on your sternum, with your fingers pointing up.  Press your palms evenly together, noting that the pressure in the dominant hand is more intense.  Tilt your chin toward your thumbs while pressing lightly on the back of your head.  Try to lift the sternum towards the chin rather than reduce the entire weight of the head.

The palms of the palms connect the right and left hemispheres of the brain, symbolizing our connection to ourselves and to others.  This mudra is often accompanied by the word "namasté", which is generally translated as "the light within me bows to the light within you" - a humble gesture or an offer honoring the connection between two hearts.

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