
The Power of New Beginnings

Here we go with another New Year. Some of you may see it also as a new cycle of life. You choose. Whether you feel it this way or it doesn’t really mean a lot to you, it’s a great moment to start new journeys and embrace new beginnings. New beginnings hold immense power as they offer fresh opportunities, a chance to start afresh, and the potential for growth and transformation. They allow us to leave behind the mistakes and regrets of the past and embrace a future full of hope and possibility. By taking advantage of new beginnings, we can redefine ourselves, set new goals, and pursue our dreams with renewed vigor and determination.

Closing one cycle and opening another in life can be a powerful and transformative process. It involves reflecting on past experiences, lessons, and accomplishments, and finding closure or resolution. This might include letting go of things that no longer serve you, forgiving yourself or others, and making peace with the past. Opening a new...

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Mudita: Emphatic Meditation for Joy

I believe that meditation is familiar to most of you who are reading these lines and you practice meditation, or at least you've heard about this term at some point. Just in case, let's recap that meditation is a practice that involves training the mind to focus and redirect thoughts. It is often used to increase awareness, reduce stress, improve relaxation, and enhance overall mental and physical well-being. Meditating regularly can help cultivate mindfulness, improve concentration, and promote a sense of inner calm and clarity.

In this post we will broaden your horizons with one type of meditation which is called "Mudita". Mudita meditation originates from Buddhist traditions and is a practice that cultivates feelings of sympathetic joy or happiness in response to the success, accomplishments, and happiness of others. It is a way to counter envy or jealousy and develop a sense of interconnectedness and compassion towards others. Mudita (in Pali and Sanskrit) means joy, especially...

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5 Elements in Yoga

asana ayurveda well-being yoga | Posted Dec 13, 2023

Prithvi (earth), Jal (water), Agni (fire), Vayu (air), and Akasha (ether or space)

Yoga is not just a physical practice; it is a holistic journey that encompasses the mind, body and spirit. One aspect of yoga that holds great significance is the exploration and integration of the five elements. In Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga and one of the oldest medical systems still practiced today, these five elements are prithvi (earth), jal (water), agni (fire), vayu (air) and akasha (ether or space). Each element carries its own energy and symbolism. These elements are believed to be the building blocks of the universe, both physically and energetically. 

Also, the elements correlate with the senses and with specific body parts and functions. Each has an energetic correspondent among the chakras. According to the Ayurvedic system, each of us is born with a unique combination of the five elements. Some are more dominant than others. The combination of elements that are most...

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Maintaining Balance through the Holidays with Ayurveda

The holiday season is all about festivities, joy, and celebrations with family and friends. However, it is also a time when people often indulge in heavy meals, sweets, and alcohol which can have a negative impact on their health. To maintain balance during this time, Ayurveda can be a great tool to help you stay healthy and feel your best. Ayurveda is an ancient holistic system of medicine that emphasizes maintaining balance in the body, mind, and spirit and enables to achieve a sense of lasting physical well-being and mental happiness.

In the winter season, Ayurveda recommends practices to balance the Vata dosha, which tends to become aggravated during this time. This includes adopting a warm and nourishing diet with foods like soups, stews, and cooked vegetables; practicing daily oil massage to keep the skin moisturized; staying hydrated; engaging in moderate exercise or yoga; and maintaining a regular sleep schedule. Additionally, Ayurveda suggests avoiding cold and windy...

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Yoga Postures for Releasing Emotions


Pain, fear, anxiety, anger, sadness and stiff hips. How is it all connected? More than many of you might think. The connection between the mind and body is crucial in maintaining emotional health, and yoga asanas can play an essential role in this regard. Yoga practice involves a combination of physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation, which can help people develop a deeper awareness of their emotions and manage them effectively. Besides, yoga practice could be recommended as a physical activity for boosting cardiac and emotional resilience. We develop more profound connection between our mind and body, leading to improved emotional well-being.

Yoga asanas can be a powerful tool in releasing and managing emotions. Specific postures, such as hip openers, twists, and backbends, can help release emotional blockages and stagnant energy. Let's take a look at few positions and their benefits together.

Pigeon pose

also known as Eka Pada...

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5 Benefits of Chanting Mantras

In today's fast-paced world, finding inner peace and achieving a sense of well-being has become a priority for many of us. This has led to a resurgence of interest in ancient practices such as yoga and meditation. One powerful tool of these practices is also the chanting of mantras. Derived from Sanskrit words meaning "mind tool" or "instrument of thought", mantras hold huge benefits for our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. 

Mantras have been an integral part of yoga for thousands of years. They are repetitive sounds, phrases, or divine syllables chanted during meditation or yoga practice. By focusing on the vibrations and resonance created by the chanting, we can connect with our inner selves, tapping into the source of peace and tranquility. 


Harmonize Body and Reduce Stress

Regular chanting of mantras promotes a harmonious connection between the body, mind and soul. As we chant, our breath deepens and slows down, triggering the...

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The Benefits of Sound Healing: A Beginner's Guide


Whilst you might think that peace and quiet is the perfect way to unwind, have you ever considered using sound to relax and de-stress? Recently, more and more people are turning to sound for its healing power and health benefits.


Sound has been used as a tool for healing for thousands of years; the Ancient Egyptians used musical incantations as a way of curing the sick, whilst Greek physicians relied on the power of vibration to encourage healthy digestion, sleep and emotional balance. The ancient yogic text, the Samaveda, also contains chants and hymns that were recited in a specific harmony. You’ve probably already experienced how powerfully healing sound can be without even realising it. When you’re sad, do you listen to a certain song that instantly changes your mood and makes you happy? Or perhaps you’ve got a favourite artist whose music makes you want to dance until your feet are sore. Sound has the ability to change how we feel, most of the...

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6 Sattvic foods to make your diet more yogic

What are Sattvic Foods?

In general, a sattvic diet is primarily plant-based and focuses on organic, whole, natural fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts,  seeds, and grains that are grown in harmony with nature. Sattvic foods are generally sweet, fresh, light, nourishing, and aromatic and create feelings of contentment, joy, and aliveness after digesting them. Sattvic foods keep the body lean and healthy and make the mind clear and sharp.

Work on adding the sattvic foods listed below to promote and support a yogic lifestyle. Eating more of these foods will support your meditative, spiritual, and yogic practices:

1. Fresh fruit

Packed with prana (life force energy) and antioxidants, fresh fruit can form up to 50% of a yogis diet. All fruit that is sweet, fresh, and organic is considered sattvic, so adding more fruit is the easiest and most effective way to make your diet more yogic. Minimize frozen, dried, or preserved fruit in favor of fresh and in-season fruit. You...

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Where to donate for India's coronavirus crisis

community tips well-being | Posted May 11, 2021

India needs our help right now. 

Yogis, pull up. Here at AmaSer we are devasted to hear the news about the coronavirus pandemic wreaking destruction in India, and are incredibly concerned by the Vaccine Apartheid depriving the Global South of the resources they so obviously need. 

We hope that you will consider a donation to an organization supporting those desperately in need right now.   

We've attached a list of local charities which could really benefit from any kind of support:

Give India - Covid fund

Goonj - Covid fund

Akshaya Patra - Covid fund

Pratham - Every Child in School and Learning Well



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5 things I learnt in my first ever yoga class at AmaSer

Hi, my name is Lucy and I have recently moved to beautiful Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica. I heard all about Avani’s yoga center AmaSer, so I decided to come along to one of her Yin & Restore classes on a Tuesday afternoon. The class started just before the sun was beginning to set and the afternoon was turning to dusk.  Here are five things I learnt about yoga! 


  1. Yoga is accessible, even to a newbie like me

I would not exactly class myself as a Yogi. I was a little nervous before going to class. What if I obviously stuck out as a rookie, what if I could not hold a posture? Avani made me feel welcome as soon as I entered the class. She begun by explaining the purpose of the class and demonstrated every pose by including a number of variations to make sure you were comfortable and could really connect with how you held your body – without hurting yourself! It was easy to follow and made me feel like I was being cared for, rather than judged.


  1. Even a...
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