
Yoga guide for beginners: How to start with yoga?

You may have been thinking for some time that you would like to start yoga. First of all, the fact that you want to start must be a decision that comes purely from you, regardless of anyone around you. Simply start because you want to and everything else will gradually fall into place. So if you have taken the first steps in your head, that is the beginning of the success of your yoga journey.

What to take with you?

All you need for yoga is comfortable clothes and a mat.

Where and with whom to start?

In the beginning, it is better to spend some time attending classes under the guidance of an experienced teacher who will advise you on how to practice properly without causing yourself injury. Each person is different and each person will suit a different style and a different teacher. If you don't find a class that is quite your cup of tea at the first time, keep looking and discover what works for you. The range of yoga studios is diverse and so are the classes and yoga styles.


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Yoga Postures for Releasing Emotions


Pain, fear, anxiety, anger, sadness and stiff hips. How is it all connected? More than many of you might think. The connection between the mind and body is crucial in maintaining emotional health, and yoga asanas can play an essential role in this regard. Yoga practice involves a combination of physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation, which can help people develop a deeper awareness of their emotions and manage them effectively. Besides, yoga practice could be recommended as a physical activity for boosting cardiac and emotional resilience. We develop more profound connection between our mind and body, leading to improved emotional well-being.

Yoga asanas can be a powerful tool in releasing and managing emotions. Specific postures, such as hip openers, twists, and backbends, can help release emotional blockages and stagnant energy. Let's take a look at few positions and their benefits together.

Pigeon pose

also known as Eka Pada...

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Ida, Pingala, Sushumna, and Duality: Moving Energy into the Spine for Inner Strength

Indian tradition teaches that our Prana, or life force, is delivered through energetic pathways, or Nadis, in the body. The human body has 72,000 Nadis which converge in the 7 chakras. with the most predominant being the Ida and Pingala.

The Ida Nadi is the feminine, creative, moon, receptive energy conduit, running from the base of the spine, alongside the spinal column, up the back of the skull, and culminating in the left nostril. The Pingala nano is the more masculine Nadi, channeling action-oriented, sun, directive energy throughout the body, This Nadi also runs from the base of the spine up the spin and head, and culminates in the right nostril. Ida is the Shakti, Pingala the Shive. Ida is the right brain, Pingala is the left brain. In this visible world, the duality of Ida and Pingala, masculine-feminine, sun-moon, dark-light are woven into everything we see.

However, humans also have a central nadi, the Sushumna, or spinal column, which is empty, neutral. As Sadhguru...

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